2 Piece 6 Inch Spring Clamp
From QD stores
Essential hand tool for professionals or DIY enthusiasts, these heavy duty spring clamps are handy for when you need to secure an object. With a high tension grip and serrated jaws, these are ideal for a multitude of tasks.Contains: 2x 6inch spring clampsMaterial: PP (plastic)Colour: Orange and blackExplore more of our range, we have a huge variety of products in stock. Have a query or can't find something you're looking for? We receive new deliveries every week, so if the item you wish to purchase is currently out of stock, please contact our Customer Services Team and we may be able to reserve the items you require.
Our review of the 2 Piece 6 Inch Spring Clamp
We have been looking around for a while, and we really love this 2 Piece 6 Inch Spring Clamp.
If you are looking for this at a low to mid-range budget, we think the price of £1.99 is brilliant! Everyone we know is a big fan of QD stores!
Also, QD stores, fantastic retailers, brilliant to deal with in every way.
Category: Hand Tools
Misc: Plastic
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