6 Inch Border Edging Roll - 1 8 Metres Length
From QD stores
These log rolls have galvanised wire back of roll to fit any shape of garden border. The flexible wire back roll allows you to shape the edging around corners of gardens and lawns. Ideal to create lawn edgings, planters, steps, pathways and much more. Made from pressure treated timber for long-life. Use around our pebble pool base to make water feature to sit on a patio. Approximate dimensions: 1.8m x 15cmExplore more of our Garden Structures and Landscaping range, we have a huge variety of products in stock. Have a query or can't find something you're looking for? We receive new deliveries every week, so if the item you wish to purchase is currently out of stock, please contact our Customer Services Team and we may be able to reserve the items you require.
Our review of the 6 Inch Border Edging Roll - 1 8 Metres Length
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think 6 Inch Border Edging Roll - 1 8 Metres Length will tick most of your boxes.
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £6.99 is a fantastic deal! If you want to upgrade without costing the earth, then QD stores is a fantastic place to find yourself in.
QD stores are also fantastic, and we love their style and ethos – as well as their stock!
Category: Fencing And Trellis
Shape: Corner
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