Adrian Shoe Bench In White High Gloss Fronts With 2 Doors
From Furniture in Fashion
Adrian Shoe Bench In White High Gloss Fronts With 2 Doors perfect for your Hallway Set-up Finish: Fronts: White High Gloss Body: White Features: Adrian Shoe Bench In White High Gloss Fronts With 2 Doors White High Gloss Fronts With White Body Made of MDF 2 Doors features Shelving inside Metal Handles Black Feet Protects the Floor Stylish and Unique Design Ideal solution for your Hallway Matching Range Furniture Available Available at an Affordable Price Dimension: Width: 95cm Height: 52cm Depth: 40cm
Our review of the Adrian Shoe Bench In White High Gloss Fronts With 2 Doors
Go on, you can be honest, you have secretly wanted a Adrian Shoe Bench In White High Gloss Fronts With 2 Doors for ages haven’t you (we have too). AND…did someone say an amazing discount of 33% too? They surely did!
So, in short, you get this now at the amazing low low price of £179.95! Furniture in Fashion is one of those everlasting cool brands that everyone loves. They don’t even need to publicise most of their sales and so your amazing saving of £90 will be our secret!
Furniture in Fashion - what can we say? Amazing name, amazing stockiest – and amazing bargains such as this!
Category: Shoe Racks And Bench
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Gloss, White
Materials: Gloss
Doors: 2 Door
Finish: Gloss
Measurements: 95cm
Misc: Metal
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