Aimo Wooden Bedside Cabinet With 2 Drawers In Sonoma Oak
From Furniture in Fashion
Aimo Wooden Bedside Cabinet With 2 Drawers In Sonoma Oak, Bring a classic charm into your interior with our bedside cabinet! FEATURES : Material : Engineered Wood Finish : Sonoma Oak Made of quality engineered wood, this nightstand is sturdy, durable and versatile As a universally applicable chest, you can also use it as a couch table in the living room 2 drawers provide ample storage space for keeping your magazines, books, remote controls and other small items well organised and within reach Additionally, this bedside cabinet is easy to clean with damp cloth Upgrade your interior to the next level with our elegant nightstand It is easy to assemble with included mounting materials Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 40cm Width : 40cm Depth : 30cm
Our review of the Aimo Wooden Bedside Cabinet With 2 Drawers In Sonoma Oak
We just absolutely love this Aimo Wooden Bedside Cabinet With 2 Drawers In Sonoma Oak – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!
So, with the discount, you are now paying less than half at the amazing price of £49.95 for this! BARGAIN! Sometimes you want them to have the nicest of things in life, but you don’t want to spend too much money. Furniture in Fashion current discount means you'll be saving £50 – your wishes can come true!
It is a far, far better thing I do now... to snap up this amazing deal from the much-loved Furniture in Fashion! Bad quoting aside, what an absolute find, grab it quickly before they sell out!
Category: Bedroom Furniture Sale
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Materials: Oak
Drawers: 2 Drawer
Measurements: 40cm
Misc: Wood
Size: Small
Style: Classic
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