Alimos Tall Twist Floor Lamp In Satin Nickel
From Furniture in Fashion
Alimos Tall Twist Floor Lamp In Satin Nickel, will amazed your living room or bedroom with a beautiful shine. A tall modern metal LED Lamp with a single twisting light, made with a satin nickel finish. It will bring clean and fresh look to any home decor Features: Alimos Tall Twist Floor Lamp In Satin Nickel Satin Nickel finish A tall modern metal LED Lamp with a single twisting light, made with a satin nickel finish. Ideal for any living or bedroom Available at an affordable price Dimension: Height: 120cm Diameter: 16cm
Our review of the Alimos Tall Twist Floor Lamp In Satin Nickel
We just absolutely love this Alimos Tall Twist Floor Lamp In Satin Nickel – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!
You might think we have made a grave miscalculation if we told you the price of this is now an amazing £79.95 – but we are not wrong or joking! Sometimes you want them to have the nicest of things in life, but you don’t want to spend too much money. Furniture in Fashion current discount means you'll be saving £80 – your wishes can come true!
So, in conclusion, we are really confident you won’t find anything this lovely for this amazing price anywhere else, and the fact it is from Furniture in Fashion just makes it even better! Grab it now!
Category: Floor Lamps
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Measurements: 120cm
Misc: Metal
Size: Single
Style: Modern
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