Alita Wooden Coffee Table With Undershelf In Dark Walnut
From Furniture in Fashion
Alita Wooden Coffee Table With Undershelf In Dark Walnut, Bring an urban industrial edge to your entertaining space with this rectangle coffee table. Made of warp-free high-grade MDF thats pressed with a premium multi-grain laminate, this cocktail table is ready to become the center of your living room. Its durable construction makes it ideal for everyday use. This mixed material coffee table features riveted angle brackets on the corners offering a level of distinction you didnt know a coffee table could achieve. FEATURES : Material : MDF, Powder-Coated Metal Finish : Dark Walnut, Black Alita Wooden Coffee Table With Undershelf In Dark Walnut High-grade MDF, powder-coated metal, and premium multi-grain laminate Rustic two-tone coffee table Metal angle bracket accents Industrial style cocktail table Lower level shelf for increased storage Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Heigh
Our review of the Alita Wooden Coffee Table With Undershelf In Dark Walnut
We just absolutely love this Alita Wooden Coffee Table With Undershelf In Dark Walnut – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!
You might think we have made a grave miscalculation if we told you the price of this is now an amazing £69.95 – but we are not wrong or joking! You can now get some amazing mid-range brands with quality just as good as top-brands. We think Furniture in Fashion is one of these brands, and with a huge saving of £70 there’s even more to love!
So, in conclusion, we are really confident you won’t find anything this lovely for this amazing price anywhere else, and the fact it is from Furniture in Fashion just makes it even better! Grab it now!
Category: Wooden Coffee Tables
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Materials: Walnut
Misc: Metal
Shape: Corner
Style: Industrial
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