Aphelandra Green - Zebra Plant
From very.co.uk
Aphelandra Green - Zebra Plant Please note: This product cannot be delivered to Northern Ireland. Aphelandra Green is an indoor plant with evergreen foliage that has zebra-like stripes on each individual leaf. The dark green base colour of every leaf is joined by a white striping, making it a plant that is easy to adore within an indoor setting. The Zebra Plant forms a series of colourful flower bracts at points throughout the year which, despite not being a regular feature, it will add great character and colour when they are present. When placed in its prefered location of bright, indirect light, the plant will use its air-purifying qualities to remove harmful pollutants and unwanted toxins from the air. Aphelandra Green is regarded as a more temperamental indoor plant, but you will only be required to water it once a week. You can add misting on top of that to improve humidity levels that the plant will appreciate. The soil should always remai
Our review of the Aphelandra Green - Zebra Plant
We have been looking around for a while, and we really love this Aphelandra Green - Zebra Plant.
When you think about price per use, this price of £17.99 becomes even more interesting! If you want to upgrade without costing the earth, then Very is a fantastic place to find yourself in.
Actually, we think as well that very.co.uk offers great options for delivery and returns if you need it – so important when you are buying online!
Category: Home & Garden
Brand: Very
Colours: Green
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