Ardent Contemporary Dining Table Rectangular In White High Gloss
From Furniture in Fashion
Ardent Contemporary Dining Table Rectangular In White High Gloss, this cool and classy looking dining table will add a modern and stylish impact to any dining room. Finished in White High Gloss with Serigraphy fronts. It features Rectangular shape table top which offers plenty of space and allows 6-8 diners to dine together. Only dining table is inlcuded in price Features: Ardent Contemporary Dining Table Rectangular In White High Gloss Finish: White Highgloss Lacquered with serigraphy Fronts with Serigraphy Structure And Fronts 16mm thick Rectangular Shape Matching range furniture also available This range also available in Grey High Gloss, And Sonoma Oak With Serigraphy Ideal for any Dining room Available at an affordable price Dimension: Width: 180cm Height: 79cm Depth: 90cm
Our review of the Ardent Contemporary Dining Table Rectangular In White High Gloss
We just absolutely love this Ardent Contemporary Dining Table Rectangular In White High Gloss – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!
There are times in life where you need to take action and not miss an absolutely amazing bargain – and with a price of £329.95, at less than half price this is one of those times you need to click buy right now! What? Are we saying Furniture in Fashion with a saving of more than half price – saving you £330? Yes we are, you can thank us later!
So, when you weigh it all up, and then realise you’re buying from the gorgeous Furniture in Fashion, you know you are onto a winner! You better be quick though, at this price they’ll be sold out quickly.
Category: Dining Room Furniture Sale
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Brown, Gloss, White
Materials: Gloss
Finish: Gloss
Measurements: 180cm
Style: Contemporary
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