Astona Leather Corner Recliner Sofa In Brown
From Furniture in Fashion
The Aston Upholstery collection is a delicious mix of quality craftsmanship, exquisite leather, sumptuous comfort and striking good looks. FEATURES : Material : Leather Finish : Brown Each sofa and chair come either fixed or with reclining actions, the corner sofa has two recliners one at each end This versatile collection, available in four on trend colour ways makes choosing a new suite to suit individual needs easy This will be a fabulous addition to any living space The collection comes in different colours: Brown, Black, Chestnut, Ivory Most Stylish and Unique piece of furniture Matching furniture available Images shown are for illustration purpose only Available at an affordable price Dimensions: Height : 1000mm Width : 2400/2400mm Depth : 930mm
Our review of the Astona Leather Corner Recliner Sofa In Brown
We think Astona Leather Corner Recliner Sofa In Brown is absolutely fantastic!
Prices for this type of item have a huge range and we think that £1929.95 is pretty good. When we are looking for beautiful items, we know we can rely on Furniture in Fashion.
Finally, we do love Furniture in Fashion, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Corner Leather Sofas
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Brown
Materials: Leather
Misc: Leather
Shape: Corner
Type: Recliner
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