Banbury White Painted Vanity Mirror
From Chiltern Oak Furniture UK
Getting ready is about enjoying every moment, and with the Trinket Mirror taking pride of place atop your new Dressing Table you’ll be able to seriously turn on the style. The elegant frame tilts easily so you can catch the light just right as you create your latest stunning new look. Thanks to the unique cornice detailing around the top this is a makeup mirror that works everywhere from the modern home to the country cottage, and everywhere else in between. Perfect for ensuring you can add the finishing touch you’ve been searching for.
Our review of the Banbury White Painted Vanity Mirror
We have been looking around for a while, and we really love this Banbury White Painted Vanity Mirror.
When you think about price per use, this price of £79.99 becomes even more interesting! In terms of great design and great prices, you are hard pushed at the moment to find a better brand than Chiltern Oak Furniture.
Chiltern Oak Furniture UK also offer really competitive delivery and return options, and have a great range to choose from, which is really nice!
Category: Root Catalog > Default Category > Bedroom Furniture > Vanity & Cheval Mirrors
Brand: Chiltern Oak Furniture
Colours: White
Finish: Painted
Style: Modern
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