Cannon Nest Of Tables Stone With White Metal Legs
From Robert Dyas
This Lovely modern Nest of Tables is just right for any home it features a stone effect table top with white hairpin metal legs giving this a modern yet impressive design feature. Delivered to your door! Features and Benefits Stylish - Adopts a contemporary design. Specifications Guarantee: 1 year Dimensions: D75 x W75 x H50 cm Some self assembly required
Our review of the Cannon Nest Of Tables Stone With White Metal Legs
We have been wanting a Cannon Nest Of Tables Stone With White Metal Legs, but with all the talk of budgeting and cost of living we had sadly been only window shopping. But, with a discount of 30%, our dreams have come true!
We think this price of £173.99 is so good we might actually buy more than one! They say if you buy cheap, you become cheap. Well the good news is that with this amazing saving of £76, you definitely buy cheap, but as it is from Robert Dyas, there is no way you will feel cheap!
We really love an easy shopping experience, that we feel is giving us the best deals! With Robert Dyas we really do feel we get the best service, and so keep returning.
Category: Storage
Colours: Grey, White
Materials: Metal, Stone
Misc: Metal
Style: Contemporary
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