Carillo High Gloss Tv Stand With Shelves In White
From Furniture in Fashion
Carillo High Gloss TV Stand With Shelves In White, This TV cabinet mixes functionality and versatility definitely, becoming a focal point of your room. FEATURES : Material : Engineered Wood Finish : White High Gloss Its modular design allows you to reinvent the organization of your environment and adapt the use of space according to your needs Ideal for living rooms and bedrooms, its Shelf help keep your books and objects organized Screw and plug for inside the wall are not included Seek and use screw and plug suitable for your walls If you are uncertain, seek professional advice Read and follow each step of the instruction carefully Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 52cm Length : 104cm Width : 30cm
Our review of the Carillo High Gloss Tv Stand With Shelves In White
When we saw this Carillo High Gloss Tv Stand With Shelves In White with an incredible discount of 50%, we thought this is probably the closest to winning the lottery we are ever going to get!
“The price is £69.95” said the Mad Hatter. “You’re joking” said Alice. “I never joke” said the Mad Hatter”. “Less than half price? Give me three!” said Alice. There are always bargains from Furniture in Fashion - so when I see savings as good as this at less than half price – saving me £70! I grab one quickly then let my friends all now - we all end up winners!
So, in conclusion, we are really confident you won’t find anything this lovely for this amazing price anywhere else, and the fact it is from Furniture in Fashion just makes it even better! Grab it now!
Category: Wooden Tv Stands
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Brown, Gloss, White
Materials: Gloss
Finish: Gloss
Measurements: 30cm
Misc: Wood
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