Chevron Oak Dining Table - Round
From Cox and Cox
The perfect compact dining table for a neutral or Scandi inspired interior, our stylish Chevron Oak Dining Table features four slender, tapered legs and a subtle chevron finish. Ideal for a laid back, open plan kitchen-diner, this beautiful blonde oak table will help you realise a naturally light, serene aesthetic. Discover other pieces from our Chevron Oak Furniture Collection.
Our review of the Chevron Oak Dining Table - Round
We have been looking around for a while, and we really love this Chevron Oak Dining Table - Round.
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £825.00 is a fantastic deal! For lovely, quality, affordable items for your home, you can’t really go wrong with something from Cox and Cox.
Finally, we do love Cox and Cox, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Furniture
Materials: Oak
Shape: Round
Size: Compact
Style: Scandi
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