Fine D Cor Urban Walls Lumber Wood Natural
Fine Décor Urban Walls Lumber Wood Natural Get the rustic look of your dreams with this beige faux wood wallpaper. Its warm hue gives it a homey feel, while grain details create a realistic wooden plank look. Mammoth is a paste the wall, non woven wallpaper. Depth: 60 CM Height: 520 CM Width: 60 CM Paste the paper - non woven material 53cm/26.5cm repeat, drop match Washable and strippable 52cm by 10.05m long roll Covers about 5.2 square metres
Our review of the Fine D Cor Urban Walls Lumber Wood Natural
We know how important it is to have a nice home full of stuff that hasn’t broken the bank, and so Fine D Cor Urban Walls Lumber Wood Natural is an amazing addition to any house!
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £16.99. In terms of great design and great prices, you are hard pushed at the moment to find a better brand than Fine Décor. also offer really competitive delivery and return options, and have a great range to choose from, which is really nice!
Category: Home & Garden > Home Accessories > House Accessories
Brand: Fine Décor
Colours: Brown
Materials: Wood
Measurements: 60cm
Misc: Wood
Shape: Square
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