Forest Dining Wooden Garden Pergola Kit 10 X8
From Buy Sheds Direct
This Forest Pergola is a carefully crafted outdoor structure that is ideal for entertaining or dining during the summer months. This outdoor forest pergola will instantly become the focal point in any garden whether it be positioned on the grass or on a decking/patio. The pergola provides structure to your garden and when combined with a table and chairs it really does create a stunning feature. The outdoor forest pergola benefits from a contemporary design and is manufactured using top quality timbers that have been slow grown to ensure the maximum stability when creating this structure. The timber is a soft European wood which has undergone rigorous pressure treatment by the manufacturer, a process that eliminates any chance of early rot. Thanks to this treatment you are guaranteed 15 years protection from such rot and all other weathering damage. This not only prevents the need for treating your pergola but saves time and money too. The lattic
Our review of the Forest Dining Wooden Garden Pergola Kit 10 X8
We think Forest Dining Wooden Garden Pergola Kit 10 X8 is absolutely fantastic!
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £549.99. Everyone we know is a big fan of Forest Garden!
Actually, we think as well that Buy Sheds Direct offers great options for delivery and returns if you need it – so important when you are buying online!
Category: Pergolas
Brand: Forest Garden
Misc: Wood
Style: Contemporary
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