Fuji 150cm Left Handed Vanity With L-shaped Basin In Oak
From Furniture in Fashion
The simplistic style of the natural oak finish blends seamlessly with our range of polymarble basins. FEATURES : Cabinet Material : MFC Painted Gloss Cabinet Finish : Natural Oak Basin Material : Polymarble Basin Finish : White Please note : Basin tap is not included This combination unit comes with 2-door 600mm floor standing vanity unit with handle, 400mm Base Unit, 500mm WC unit, 1500mm left handed l-shaped basin, 1. 25M continuous plinth Our full depth units give ample storage, perfect for a busy family bathroom Our ready built combinations save on time and make your life easier All of our Fuji range is supplied with soft close doors and drawers as standard This product is made here in Britain to the highest quality standard Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 904mm Width : 1505mm Depth : 360mm
Our review of the Fuji 150cm Left Handed Vanity With L-shaped Basin In Oak
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Fuji 150cm Left Handed Vanity With L-shaped Basin In Oak with a great 33% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
It’s not about money, except at the moment with rising prices for us ordinary people it really is. But good news! With a super low price of £939.95, you know you couldn't have got it any cheaper! Furniture in Fashion is one of those everlasting cool brands that everyone loves. They don’t even need to publicise most of their sales and so your amazing saving of £470 will be our secret!
They say you can only ever have 2 of the 3 things you want at any one time – so we want gorgeous things, great prices and reliable stores - guess what - with Furniture in Fashion we can have all 3!
Category: Bathroom Vanities
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Materials: Oak
Doors: 2 Door
Finish: Gloss
Measurements: 150cm
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