Hampshire 180cm Oak And Dark Blue Extending Dining Table With 10 Brown Flow Back Chairs
The Hampshire Painted Collection is sturdy, stylish and designed to suit any home. Every item in this range features painted 100% solid wood frames and 100% solid oak tops, with no veneer, MDF or chipboard used.
Our review of the Hampshire 180cm Oak And Dark Blue Extending Dining Table With 10 Brown Flow Back Chairs
So in a dream we saw a beautiful Hampshire 180cm Oak And Dark Blue Extending Dining Table With 10 Brown Flow Back Chairs that was perfect for what we wanted! And we came hunting on the internet and found it with this 21% discount off! Thank you karma!
In all honesty, we have done our research and looked around at availability, and we all agreed we couldn’t find any better than this price of £1579.00. They say if you buy cheap, you become cheap. Well the good news is that with this amazing saving of £420, you definitely buy cheap, but as it is from Oak Furniture Superstore, there is no way you will feel cheap!
We really love an easy shopping experience, that we feel is giving us the best deals! With Oak Furniture Superstore we really do feel we get the best service, and so keep returning.
Brand: Oak Furniture Superstore
Colours: Blue
Materials: Oak
Finish: Painted
Measurements: 180cm
Misc: Wood
Type: Extending
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Many of the products we list offer both free and next day delivery!The specific delivery options for the Hampshire 180cm Oak And Dark Blue Extending Dining Table With 10 Brown Flow Back Chairs will be provided through from Oak Furniture Superstore.See the latest delivery information and costs, including estimated time and date of delivery.Find out more
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