Harper Solid Oak Corner Tv Cabinet
A blend of timeless design and modern style, the Harper Collection is effortlessly stylish. Carefully crafted from robust 100% solid oak with a natural finish, this range suits any space. Complete with a handy drawer at the front with dovetail joints and a recessed handle, with a cable management hole at the back of the unit.. Designed especially for corners, the solid oak TV Cabinet features a cable management hole at the back. Storage is provided by a dovetailed drawer with a solid back and base, complete with a recessed handle.
Our review of the Harper Solid Oak Corner Tv Cabinet
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Harper Solid Oak Corner Tv Cabinet with a great 36% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
Good news! With an incredible low price of £399.00, no one can moan at you for buying this, ever! You can wear your bargain hunters badge with pride! Who on earth can turn down such a large a saving of £220 from Oak Furniture Superstore?!
All you need is love they say – well a bit of bargain hunting and shopping with Oak Furniture Superstore doesn’t hurt either!
Brand: Oak Furniture Superstore
Materials: Oak
Shape: Corner
Style: Modern
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