Hatfield Round Starburst Design Wall Mirror In Silver
From Furniture in Fashion
Dramatic starburst design in a chic silver leaf finish. FEATURES : Material : Glass, Polyresin, MDF Finish : Silver Hanging Orientation : One way only Glass Type Bevelled Fixing Type D-Ring Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 1000mm Width : 1000mm Depth : 30mm
Our review of the Hatfield Round Starburst Design Wall Mirror In Silver
We love a few choice items that give us joy to look at in our homes. So imagine our joy when we saw the amazing Hatfield Round Starburst Design Wall Mirror In Silver at the wild discount of 50%! It's such an amazing bargain!
There are times in life where you need to take action and not miss an absolutely amazing bargain – and with a price of £199.95, at less than half price this is one of those times you need to click buy right now! There are always bargains from Furniture in Fashion - so when I see savings as good as this at less than half price – saving me £200! I grab one quickly then let my friends all now - we all end up winners!
Don’t forget at this price this product from the amazing Furniture in Fashion will be selling out really quickly. Grab one now, you can be confident in their delivery and returns policy if you change your mind later!
Category: Living Room Furniture Sale
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Silver
Materials: Silver
Misc: Glass
Shape: Round
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