Homcom Kitchen Cabinet Framed Glass Doors With Shelves Natural Wood Effect
From Robert Dyas
Kitchen space made easy with this freestanding hutch-style cabinet from HOMCOM. Crafted from particle board so it's tough, with a veneered surface for a smooth and beautiful finish. Formed of an upper and lower cabinet, flat middle shelf and drawer, there's plenty of room to hold small appliances, crockery, tins and packets. The aluminium handles make everything easy to open and close. The white and wood-effect design is classic, a piece perfect for loads of different home/office styles. Features: Storage: Comes with drawer and a top and bottom cupboard - each with an adjustable shelf for flexibility. Lots of space for kitchen and dining essentials like tableware, food and glassware Glass Panel Doors: Both cupboards are easy to see through, also gives hutch a sleek look. Handles on all to open and close easily Sturdy: Particle board structure to hold everything inside with support, suitable for everyday use. Veneer coating for a smooth finish, an
Our review of the Homcom Kitchen Cabinet Framed Glass Doors With Shelves Natural Wood Effect
We have had Homcom Kitchen Cabinet Framed Glass Doors With Shelves Natural Wood Effect in our favourites for a while, and now it is been offered with a 9% discount we think it is the time for action!
We think that £149.99 is an amazing price for this! It isn’t often you get discounts on this item from HOMCOM, and with a saving of £15 you could buy it and treat yourself to something nice in addition!
We love that Robert Dyas are offering this brand with a discount right now – anything to save a bit of money but to still live beautifully is welcome!
Category: Living Room
Colours: Natural
Materials: Glass, Wood
Finish: Veneer
Misc: Glass
Size: Small
Style: Classic
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