Homcom Side Table 3 Tier End Table With Open Storage Shelves Living Room Coffee Table Organiser Unit White
From Aosom UK
This three-tier side table from HOMCOM is a great addition to any living room. It's made from particle board for durability, with a smooth surface to keep clean easily. This end table, cut into a cubic shape, comes with three differently shaped shelves inside for a unique look - room for your books, magazines, newspapers and more. A compact size in a cool design, this is a great furniture addition for all home and office spaces.
Our review of the Homcom Side Table 3 Tier End Table With Open Storage Shelves Living Room Coffee Table Organiser Unit White
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Homcom Side Table 3 Tier End Table With Open Storage Shelves Living Room Coffee Table Organiser Unit White will tick most of your boxes.
Really, when you think about it, for the quality, we haven’t found anything better than this for less than £29.99. When we are looking for beautiful items, we know we can rely on HOMCOM.
Aosom UK also offer really competitive delivery and return options, and have a great range to choose from, which is really nice!
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