Ibsen Modern Dining Chair In Leather Look Brown In A Pair
From Furniture in Fashion
Ibsen Dining Chair In Leather Look Brown With Brushed Stainless Steel Legs In A Pair, provides you with an excellent comfort and support for sitting upon. Padding with pocket spring core and cover of buffalo leather look with brushed stainless steel legs. This Dining Chair offers ana elegant look in any dining space. Features: Ibsen Dining Chair In Leather Look Brown With Brushed Stainless Steel Legs In A Pair Cover: buffalo leather look Frame: flat tubing 30x15 mm, stainless steel brushed Cantilever chair with grip on the back Luxury comfort seat with pocket spring upholstery Also available in Anthracite And Sand Ideal to place in your dining room or kitchen Available at an affordable price Dimension: Width: 47cm Height: 104cm Depth: 64cm
Our review of the Ibsen Modern Dining Chair In Leather Look Brown In A Pair
We just absolutely love this Ibsen Modern Dining Chair In Leather Look Brown In A Pair – it is one of those things you which if it was in your home would make you happy every day. So now it is on sale with an amazing discount of 50% don't wait!
There are times in life where you need to take action and not miss an absolutely amazing bargain – and with a price of £287.95, at less than half price this is one of those times you need to click buy right now! Sometimes you want them to have the nicest of things in life, but you don’t want to spend too much money. Furniture in Fashion current discount means you'll be saving £288 – your wishes can come true!
Don’t forget at this price this product from the amazing Furniture in Fashion will be selling out really quickly. Grab one now, you can be confident in their delivery and returns policy if you change your mind later!
Category: Dining Room Furniture Sale
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Brown
Materials: Leather
Finish: Brushed
Misc: Leather
Style: Modern
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