Keshan 133x190cm Supreme Herati Wool Rug In Cream
From Furniture in Fashion
Keshan 133x190cm Supreme Herati Wool Rug In Cream, The natural stretch ability means Wool from about 61 sheep would extend all the way from the earth to the moon, which is why its the perfect choice for luxury manufacturers to weave it into intricate designs offering a very durable rug which will last for many years without showing signs of wear. FEATURES : Material : 100% Worsted New Zealand Wool Finish : Cream Keshan 133x190cm Supreme Herati Wool Rug In Cream Wool is sustainable Looks and feels great Wool rugs are naturally hypo-allergenic Naturally family-friendly Will organically bounce back Keeps a vibrant colour throughout its life Is very low maintenance Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Length : 133cm Width : 190cm
Our review of the Keshan 133x190cm Supreme Herati Wool Rug In Cream
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Keshan 133x190cm Supreme Herati Wool Rug In Cream with a great 33% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
So, in short, you get this now at the amazing low low price of £279.95! When buying from Furniture in Fashion you can definitely show off, and be proud of your home. But with huge savings of £140 too you also get to keep a good chunk of your money!
So, to bring this to a conclusion – wow, wow, wow. Oh, and before we forget, you also get the amazing delivery and returns options from Furniture in Fashion if you change your mind after you have bought!
Category: Rugs
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Cream
Materials: Wool
Measurements: 190cm
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