Keter Lima Table With Akola Chairs
From Cuckooland
You'll love it because... Create the perfect outdoor dining space with the Lima Table and Akola Chairs from Keter. This sleek modern design will look great out on your decking or patio area and will be sure to host many a dinner party! In the summer you can fling the patio doors open and dine alfresco with your nearest and dearest as you tuck into some delicious tapas and nibbles, of course, washed down with a chilled bottle of Sauvignon Blanc! What's even better is this set is practically maintenance-free so even in those frequent British showers this set will stand strong. Features and Benefits: Stylish table with 6 chairs Durable resin shell ergonomic cup design chairs Sleek table design with tapered legs and slat detailing across table top Made from weather-resistant resin, so maintenance free! Specification: Lima Dining Table: Width: 97cm Depth: 157cm Height: 74cm Akola Dining Chairs: Width: 55cm De
Our review of the Keter Lima Table With Akola Chairs
We think Keter Lima Table With Akola Chairs is absolutely fantastic!
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £579.00 is a fantastic deal! When we are looking for beautiful items, we know we can rely on Keter.
In addition we think it is worth noting that Cuckooland have been fab with our items, no complaints from us!
Category: Garden Table And Chairs
Brand: Keter
Measurements: 55cm
Seats: Seats 6
Style: Modern
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