Lifetime Customisable Single Wardrobe - Lifetime Whitewash

From Cuckooland

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You'll love it because... Not only is the Lifetime Single Door Wardrobe stylish, this stunning piece of furniture is practical too! What better way to keep your kiddies room spick and span. Complete with a hanging rail and storage shelf there will be plenty of space for all their clothes and toys so there's no excuse for anything not to be put away! Select the doors and handles to suit your space and with additional storage boxes, toys and shoes can have a home! Handcrafted in Denmark and manufactured from solid pine, this nifty space-saving wardrobe features a handy vent so you can be sure plenty of fresh air can get inside - no musty smells here! Available in other sizes with a simple design, this wardrobe will blend seamlessly into your interior style and be a welcome addition! Features and Benefits: Customisable single wardrobe Made from Birch wood with MDF components Wood is 100% certified from sustainable forests Made with

Our review of the Lifetime Customisable Single Wardrobe - Lifetime Whitewash

If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Lifetime Customisable Single Wardrobe - Lifetime Whitewash will tick most of your boxes.

They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £795.00 in this case is worth pursuing! In terms of great design and great prices, you are hard pushed at the moment to find a better brand than Lifetime Kids.

Cuckooland also offer really competitive delivery and return options, and have a great range to choose from, which is really nice!


Category: Kids Wardrobes
Brand: Lifetime Kids
Misc: Wood
Size: Single

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