Livingandhome Upholstered Arched Armless Accent Chair With Footstool Yellow

From Robert Dyas

Was £419.99 Now £305.99
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This modern accent chair is ergonomically designed to support your back, head and of course your feet! From the arched back to the faux wool upholstery this chair will offer you a comfortable spot to watch TV, read books or take a nap. Supported by solid wood legs in a rustic walnut finish, this chair will be a delight to look at in any home. Features:

Our review of the Livingandhome Upholstered Arched Armless Accent Chair With Footstool Yellow

Wow wow wow! We have been looking for a Livingandhome Upholstered Arched Armless Accent Chair With Footstool Yellow for a while now, and the other day we got an alert that it is now available with a discount of 27%!

In terms of style, colour, materials and quality, we are just obsessed with this bargain price of £305.99 for this! A LivingandHome product, with a saving of £114 – need we say more?!

It is worth saying that as well as a quality product, a quality shopping experience is essential – this is why we love Robert Dyas, we find them so easy to deal with!


Brand: LivingandHome
Colours: Yellow
Misc: Wood
Style: Modern

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