Manric Solid Pinewood Garden Lounge Set In White
From Furniture in Fashion
Manric Solid Pinewood Garden Lounge Set In White, This wooden garden lounge set is an ideal choice for you to relax and enjoy the weather, take a nap or have a chat with your family or friends. With a timeless pallet design, the wooden sofa will add a touch of rustic charm to your patio, garden or living room. FEATURES : Material : Solid Pinewood Finish : White 4 x Corner sofa 2 x Middle sofa 1 x Table/Footstool Made of solid pinewood, this patio lounge set is highly durable, weather resistant and environmental friendly This furniture set has a solid construction and requires little maintenance Additionally, the modular design also makes it possible to place the set in any arrangement as per your taste In order to extend the life of your outdoor furniture, we recommend you to clean it regularly and do not leave it outdoors without protection unnecessarily Clean Use a mild soap solution If possible, store in a cool, dry place indoors I
Our review of the Manric Solid Pinewood Garden Lounge Set In White
Go on, you can be honest, you have secretly wanted a Manric Solid Pinewood Garden Lounge Set In White for ages haven’t you (we have too). AND…did someone say an amazing discount of 33% too? They surely did!
Good news! With an incredible low price of £389.95, no one can moan at you for buying this, ever! You can wear your bargain hunters badge with pride! Wow are we really buying from Furniture in Fashion with an absolutely great saving of £195? We surely are!
So, to bring this to a conclusion – wow, wow, wow. Oh, and before we forget, you also get the amazing delivery and returns options from Furniture in Fashion if you change your mind after you have bought!
Category: Outdoor Garden Seating Sets
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: White
Misc: Wood
Shape: Corner
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