Mansfield Plush Velvet Upholstered Single Bed In Steel
From Furniture in Fashion
Take the look of your bedroom to new decorative heights with this ultra-modern bed, handmade in the UK. Rich velvet upholstery gives this bed a true upscale feel and epitomizes fine living while channel tufting along the headboard keeps the padded material inside plump and aloftso it cradles your body while you sit up in bed to watch TV or read. Chrome metal legs gives this bed an elegant look and finish FEATURES : Material : Plush Velvet, Metal Finish : Steel, Chrome Hand-upholstered in the UK High quality fabric finish Modern Design Slats are included with bed frame Mattress is not included; Available separately This is made to order bed it will take 3-4 weeks to make Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 120cm Width : 95cm Length : 200cm
Our review of the Mansfield Plush Velvet Upholstered Single Bed In Steel
I often worry about if what I buy for the house will look good. But when I saw this Mansfield Plush Velvet Upholstered Single Bed In Steel with a great 33% discount I knew I couldn’t go wrong!
So, in short, you get this now at the amazing low low price of £879.95! Furniture in Fashion is one of those everlasting cool brands that everyone loves. They don’t even need to publicise most of their sales and so your amazing saving of £440 will be our secret!
So, to bring this to a conclusion – wow, wow, wow. Oh, and before we forget, you also get the amazing delivery and returns options from Furniture in Fashion if you change your mind after you have bought!
Category: Single Fabric Beds
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Materials: Steel, Velvet
Measurements: 200cm
Misc: Metal
Size: Single
Style: Modern
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