Nbb Recycled Furniture Nbb Junior Recycled Plastic 150cm Backless Bench - Black
From Robert Dyas
A great piece for any outdoor space this large sized junior backless bench from NBB will provide your kid with a comfortable place to sit for years and years to come thanks to the tough and durable build. Stable and stylish, this bench has a recycled plastic construction which creates a great looking bench with the added benefits for being resistant against rot, splintering or cracking. Ideal for giving your garden that something extra special. NBB specialise in furniture built from 100% recycled materials creating an environmentally friendly, extremely durable and long lasting range of pieces great for any outdoor space. These eco friendly furniture units help to reuse plastic waste with no compromise to their strength and durability. Long lasting, comfortable and stylish, this table will be a mainstay in your garden for years to come. Features and Benefits Sturdy - Built to last, this bench has a strong and robust design giving you a pi
Our review of the Nbb Recycled Furniture Nbb Junior Recycled Plastic 150cm Backless Bench - Black
Look no further! Nbb Recycled Furniture Nbb Junior Recycled Plastic 150cm Backless Bench - Black is a must have for your home!
Prices for this type of item have a huge range and we think that £189.99 is pretty good. If you want to upgrade without costing the earth, then NBB Recycled Furniture is a fantastic place to find yourself in.
Finally, we do love Robert Dyas, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Sheds & Garden Furniture
Brand: NBB Recycled Furniture
Colours: Black
Materials: Plastic
Measurements: 150cm
Misc: Plastic
Size: Large
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