Outsunny Iron Folding Arced Firewood Log Holder W Leaf Scroll Panels Indoor Outdoor Garden Storage Heavy Duty Stacker Black
From Aosom UK
This fire log holder, from Outsunny, has been made with to keep and display your wood together beautifully. It's crafted from powder coated wrought iron, so it's extremely strong and sturdy, and formed into an open arc design which keeps the wood aerated and fresh - even when full. The shape also ensures the logs are centralised and kept together, which helps utilise the space to its fullest potential. A foldable design which will save space when not in use, it is finished with leaf scrolling on the top panels, giving it an elegant look. A piece which will stand both inside and outside with effortless beauty.Features:Arc shape holds the wood together in the middle, helping utilise the space to its best potentialMade from tough wrought iron, with a powder coating for extra strength and protectionTop panels with a leaf scrolling for an elegant lookFoldable, easy to store away when not neededCan be used indoors and outdoorsOpen design to keep your w
Our review of the Outsunny Iron Folding Arced Firewood Log Holder W Leaf Scroll Panels Indoor Outdoor Garden Storage Heavy Duty Stacker Black
If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think Outsunny Iron Folding Arced Firewood Log Holder W Leaf Scroll Panels Indoor Outdoor Garden Storage Heavy Duty Stacker Black will tick most of your boxes.
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £38.99 is a fantastic deal! Everyone we know is a big fan of Outsunny!
Finally, we do love Aosom UK, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
Category: Home & Garden > Household Appliances > Climate Control Appliances > Patio Heaters
Brand: Outsunny
Colours: Black
Materials: Iron
Misc: Wood
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