Prats Outdoor Round 1500mm Metal Dining Table In Grey

From Furniture in Fashion

Was £869.95 Now £579.95
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The Prats Collection of garden furniture has been one of our most successful collections of this decade and offers style and simplicity. Precision is the hallmark of this collection and this is demonstrated in the intricate way the mesh and structure blend together, fusing lines, shapes and patterns in the designs of the tables and chairs before applying a smooth powder coated finish, we introduced a sleek six piece casual dining set making our Prats range perfect to suit your requirements, from dining to lounging. FEATURES : Material : Powder Coated Metal Finish : Grey Outdoor Round 1500mm Metal Dining Table In Grey This Garden furniture has been one of our most successful collections of this decade and offers style and simplicity This is demonstrated in the intricate way the mesh and structure blend together Fusing lines, shapes and patterns in the designs of the tables and chairs before applying a smooth powder coated finish Available a

Our review of the Prats Outdoor Round 1500mm Metal Dining Table In Grey

Go on, you can be honest, you have secretly wanted a Prats Outdoor Round 1500mm Metal Dining Table In Grey for ages haven’t you (we have too). AND…did someone say an amazing discount of 33% too? They surely did!

It’s not about money, except at the moment with rising prices for us ordinary people it really is. But good news! With a super low price of £579.95, you know you couldn't have got it any cheaper! Who on earth can turn down such a large a saving of £290 from Furniture in Fashion?!

We love stockists that love their customers, and so all hail to the lovely Furniture in Fashion who will send this product quickly and effortlessly to you - and with care!


Category: Outdoor Garden Dining Tables
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Grey
Materials: Metal
Misc: Metal
Shape: Round

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