Rico Mirrored Dressing Table
From Choice Furniture Superstore
Value Harlow Mirrored Dressing Table. Premium Rico Mirrored Dressing Table with silver trim and crystal handles. This elegant Cape Mirrored Dressing Table is trimmed in silver mirror and features crystal handles, metal drawer runners and a linear pillar design to bring a touch of class to any interior. Rico Mirrored Dressing Table available to buy online or at Choice Furniture Superstore UK on stockist sale price. This truly is a designer statement piece, ideal for any modern setting and will be sure to impress your guests. An eye catching statement piece for any Living Space is available to purchase online at Choice Furniture Superstore and at the CFS furniture shop in Leicester, East Midlands by just paying 50% upfront, 0% interest is also available. CFS offers Free and fast delivery regardless of order value. This Item is on Sale & in stock, available to buy online for free delivery across UK. Get volume - discount with fast and Free Delivery.
Our review of the Rico Mirrored Dressing Table
Look no further! Rico Mirrored Dressing Table is a must have for your home!
Prices for this type of item have a huge range and we think that £632 is pretty good. If you want quality and reliability then Deco Home have a great reputation.
Finally, we do love Choice Furniture Superstore, they have been part of our home buying lives for a while now and we think they are great!
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