Rimit Wooden Nest Of 2 Tables In Oak And Concrete Effect
From Furniture in Fashion
Introducing our exclusive Rimit collection of furniture, crafted from solid oak and oak veneer. A very stylish collection of distinctive designs that will add a touch of luxury to any living space within the home. The subtle oak colour is matched beautifully with modern concrete colour tops. A truly modern, practical and affordable collection. Hidden wooden handles five the collection a timeless, stylish appeal. FEATURES : Material : Solid Oak and Oak Veneer Finish : Oak, Concrete Effect Introducing our exclusive Rimit collection of furniture Crafted from solid oak and oak veneer Very stylish collection of distinctive designs that will add a touch of luxury to any living space within the home The subtle oak colour is matched beautifully with modern concrete colour tops Truly modern, practical and affordable collection Hidden wooden handles five the collection a timeless, stylish appeal Available at an affordable price Images shown are f
Our review of the Rimit Wooden Nest Of 2 Tables In Oak And Concrete Effect
Go on, you can be honest, you have secretly wanted a Rimit Wooden Nest Of 2 Tables In Oak And Concrete Effect for ages haven’t you (we have too). AND…did someone say an amazing discount of 33% too? They surely did!
We are loving this new discounted price of £259.95! It’s as simple as that! Furniture in Fashion is one of those everlasting cool brands that everyone loves. They don’t even need to publicise most of their sales and so your amazing saving of £130 will be our secret!
They say you can only ever have 2 of the 3 things you want at any one time – so we want gorgeous things, great prices and reliable stores - guess what - with Furniture in Fashion we can have all 3!
Category: Wooden Nest Of Tables
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Materials: Concrete, Oak
Finish: Veneer
Misc: Wood
Style: Modern
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