Streetwize Accessories 10amp Fully Automatic Smart Car Motorcycle Battery Charger
Streetwize Accessories 10Amp Fully Automatic Smart Car/Motorcycle Battery Charger This 6/12V10Amp Intelligent Car & Motorcycle Smart Battery Charger is ideal for optimising battery life and safely charging your device without the drisk of overheating to your battery. Depth: 23 CM Microprocessor controlled, 3 step operation with 7 stage charging cycle. Step 1: Bulk Stage. The highest voltage & ampage which the charger is rated at will be used. Step 2: Absorption Stage. Now the battery has reached 80% charge ampage will decline. Step 3: Float Charge. When the battery is 95% charged the charger will slowly bring the battery to 100%. Suitable for Batteries-SLA [Sealed Lead Acid], Wet/Flooded [Liquid Electrolyte], GEL & AGM. BETWEEN 3-200 AH Built-In Battery Tester. Colour Change LED information display. Trickle (long) & Winter (cold) charging modes. Safe and easy to use! It will ensure that your battery is not overcharged. Height: 8 CM Width: 15 CM
Our review of the Streetwize Accessories 10amp Fully Automatic Smart Car Motorcycle Battery Charger
We think you deserve a treat, and you can’t get much better than this Streetwize Accessories 10amp Fully Automatic Smart Car Motorcycle Battery Charger.
It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £79.99 is a fantastic deal! Everyone we know is a big fan of Streetwize Accessories!
On top of all this are just lovely, really easy to buy from and really reliable and friendly.
Category: Vehicles, Parts & Accessories > Car Accessories
Brand: Streetwize Accessories
Colours: Red
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