Upperton Sofa Bed 4 Seater Sofa Bed In V A Drawn From Nature - Willow Bough Large - Duck Egg
Combining traditional design features and contemporary comfort the Upperton sofa bed would make the perfect addition to any type of home. Available in fitted & loose cover.
Our review of the Upperton Sofa Bed 4 Seater Sofa Bed In V A Drawn From Nature - Willow Bough Large - Duck Egg
Look no further! Upperton Sofa Bed 4 Seater Sofa Bed In V A Drawn From Nature - Willow Bough Large - Duck Egg is a must have for your home!
They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £5656 in this case is worth pursuing! For lovely, quality, affordable items for your home, you can’t really go wrong with something from Sofas and Stuff Limited.
Also, Sofas and Stuff Limited, fantastic retailers, brilliant to deal with in every way.
Category: Sofa Beds
Colours: Blue
Materials: Willow
Seats: Seats 4
Size: Large
Style: Contemporary
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