Wims Rectangular Black Glass Dining Table With 6 Velvet Chairs
From Furniture in Fashion
Stylish and sturdy, this dining set is an ideal addition to the nordic inspired interior. FEATURES : Material : Glass, Polyester, Iron Finish : Black, Chrome The Wims 7pc dining set is a combination of traditional and contemporary style Featuring a rectangular glass table with slanted legs, the chairs are upholstered in black velvet which create a stark contrast with their chrome finish angular legs Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 76cm Width : 160cm Depth : 90m
Our review of the Wims Rectangular Black Glass Dining Table With 6 Velvet Chairs
We know how important it is to have a nice home full of stuff that hasn’t broken the bank, and so Wims Rectangular Black Glass Dining Table With 6 Velvet Chairs is an amazing addition to any house!
Prices for this type of item have a huge range and we think that £1019.95 is pretty good. If you want quality and reliability then Furniture in Fashion have a great reputation.
Furniture in Fashion also offer really competitive delivery and return options, and have a great range to choose from, which is really nice!
Category: 6 Seater Glass Dining Table Sets
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Black, Brown
Materials: Glass, Velvet
Measurements: 160cm
Misc: Glass
Style: Contemporary
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