12 Inch African Hanging Basket - Two Tone Rattan Design

From QD stores

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This African inspired range of hanging baskets is designed to give that idyllic garden look, adding a touch of character to your outdoor living space. This basket has a two tone rattan finish. The basket is pre-lined to aid water retention and includes chain.This rattan hanging basket features a stylish yet practical design. Approximate size 12 inch.Explore more of our range, we have a huge variety of products in stock. Have a query or can't find something you're looking for? We receive new deliveries every week, so if the item you wish to purchase is currently out of stock, please contact our Customer Services Team

Our review of the 12 Inch African Hanging Basket - Two Tone Rattan Design

We have been looking around for a while, and we really love this 12 Inch African Hanging Basket - Two Tone Rattan Design.

It is worth paying for quality (but not too much!), and so we think £4.99 is a fantastic deal! If you want to upgrade without costing the earth, then QD stores is a fantastic place to find yourself in.

Also, QD stores are really great, easy to buy from, and easy to contact if we have had any questions.


Category: Hanging Baskets 2
Colours: Brown
Materials: Rattan
Misc: Rattan

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