12 Inch Hanging Rattan Basket Black

From QD stores

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This black rattan range is designed give that idyllic garden look adding a touch of character to your outdoor living space. Brighten the side of doorways or garden sheds with colourful floral displays. A great idea for growing strawberries close to your kitchen for easy harvesting. The basket is pre-lined to aid water retention.Approximate dimensions: 12 x 30inchExplore more of our range, we have a huge variety of products in stock. Have a query or can't find something you're looking for? We receive new deliveries every week, so if the item you wish to purchase is currently out of stock, please contact our Customer Services Team and we may be able to reserve the items you require.Colours may vary slightly1 x Listed item supplied only

Our review of the 12 Inch Hanging Rattan Basket Black

If you’ve been searching for something like this for a while, we think 12 Inch Hanging Rattan Basket Black will tick most of your boxes.

They say you can’t know the price of everything and the value of nothing, but we think £6.99 in this case is worth pursuing! In terms of great design and great prices, you are hard pushed at the moment to find a better brand than QD stores.

In addition we think it is worth noting that QD stores have been fab with our items, no complaints from us!


Category: Hanging Baskets 2
Colours: Black, Brown
Materials: Rattan
Misc: Rattan

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