Trox Obelisk Design Salt Table Lamp In Orange

From Furniture in Fashion

Was £59.95 Now £29.95
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This salt lamp can be used to add some naturally ambient lighting to the home. FEATURES : Material : Wood, Natural Salt Finish : Orange Bulb Type : E14 Bulb Bulb Wattage : 15w Naturally ambient lighting Pink and orange hues Weighty and tactile Natural wood base Available at an affordable price Images shown are for illustration purpose only DIMENSIONS : Height : 28cm Width : 11cm Depth : 11cm

Our review of the Trox Obelisk Design Salt Table Lamp In Orange

We love a few choice items that give us joy to look at in our homes. So imagine our joy when we saw the amazing Trox Obelisk Design Salt Table Lamp In Orange at the wild discount of 50%! It's such an amazing bargain!

There are times in life where you need to take action and not miss an absolutely amazing bargain – and with a price of £29.95, at less than half price this is one of those times you need to click buy right now! Furniture in Fashion is an amazing brand, and with this saving of £30, at less than half it's original price it's such a fantastic deal, and certain to be the best price you’ll find online!

So, in conclusion, we are really confident you won’t find anything this lovely for this amazing price anywhere else, and the fact it is from Furniture in Fashion just makes it even better! Grab it now!


Category: Table Lamps
Brand: Furniture in Fashion
Colours: Orange
Misc: Wood

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